The sniper scene took inspiration from a similar scene in its previous film's American rip-off Quarantine and uses it very well.
This is made even more awesome when you learn that they were seamlessly implemented into the movie while the camera is very shaky. The movie uses a lot of practical effects and very little CGI and even if CGI is used, it blended in really well with the practical effects. The movie has good characters like the GEO team's leader Chief Fernández and Dr. Owen borrowing one of the officers' sawed-off pump-action shotgun and blowing the attic boy's head off with it, the teens subduing the zombified Mari Carmen and blowing her head up with a lit bottle rocket and Ángela Vidal blowing up Tristana Medeiros's head with a shotgun in darkness Lots of memorable kills and jumpscares like the attic boy from the previous film attacking the GEO team from the ceiling, Dr. Having parts of the movie played out through police cameras. Having new locations appear only in darkness. Having the same movie played out from the perspectives of 2 different groups of protagonists at the same time until they meet for the first time. The movie introduces numerous new gimmicks that'd later be replicated a few times, which are:. The premise of a cleanup crew being sent in to clean up the mess caused by the events of a disaster (in this case, the Uber-Rabies) is really unique and has only been replicated a few times in media. Above all, it must be contained before it escapes to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting world outside. What they find inside lies beyond the scope of medical science - a demonic nightmare of biblical proportions more terrifying than they could have possibly imagined. A heavily armed GEO team (the Spanish equivalent of the USA's FBI SWAT) and a mysterious government official are sent in to assess and attempt to neutralize the situation. The highly anticipated sequel to one of the scariest films of all time, 2 picks up 15 minutes from where we left off, taking us back into the quarantined apartment building where a terrifying virus has run rampant and turned the occupants into mindlessly violent, raging beasts.
It was released on October 2, 2009, and took place immediately after the events of the previous film, with several actors from the first film reprising their roles as infected versions of their characters. The film stars Manuela Velasco, Jonathan Mellor, Oscar Sánchez Zafra, Ariel Casas, Alejandro Casaseca, Pablo Rosso and Claudia Silva. 2 (marketed as 2) is a Spanish found-footage action-survival horror movie co-directed and co-written by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza, produced by Julio & Carlos Fernández, and co-written by Balagueró, Plaza and Manu Díez.